It is an example test rtf-file to RTF2XML bean for testing
Font size 10, plain text;
Font size 12, bold text. Underline,bold text.
Underline,italic,bold text.
Font size 22, plain text.
Bold text.
Italic text.
Simple table :
1st column |
2nd column |
3rd column |
4th column |
5th column |
1.1 item |
1.2 item |
1.3 item |
1.4 item |
1.5 item |
2.1 item |
2.2 item |
2.3 item |
2.4 item |
2.5 item |
3.1 item |
3.2 item |
3.3 item |
3.4 item |
3.5 item |
4.1 item |
4.2 item |
4.3 item |
4.4 item |
4.5 item |
5.1 item |
5.2 item |
5.3 item |
5.4 item |
5.5 item |
Empty |
… |
… |
… |
Empty |
Last items |
… |
… |
… |
Last items |
List :
· It is the 1st row of the list
· It is the 2nd row of the list
· …
· …
· …
· It is the last row of the list
Here is a brief Courier text.
Here is a brief MS Sans - Serif text.
Here is a brief MS Serif text.
Here is a brief Times New Roman text.
Some paragraphs :
I. Align left :
The text you are reading is aligned left. It is an align – left text. It is also an align – left sentence.
II. Align right:
The text you are reading is aligned right. It is an align – right text. It is also an align – right sentence.
III. Align centered:
The text you are reading is aligned center. It is an align – centered text. It is also an align – centered sentence.
IV. Align justified:
The text you are reading is aligned justify. It is an align – justified text. It is also an align – justified sentence.
Here are some special characters: öt árvíztűrő ütvefúrógép, which means “five flood resistant hammer drills” (J) in Hungarian.
At last you can see an image :
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